Let's play extremism. Mainstreaming of far-right political ideas through 'let's play' gaming videos

27 March 2024 · Christoph Purschke · 1 minute read · #conversations

CuCo Lab Conversations | Greta Jasser (University of Göttingen)


‘Let’s play extremism’ is an exploratory research project examining the remediation of gaming videos on YouTube and other video streaming platforms, produced and shared by far-right accounts. The investigation aims to shed new light on how video games co-opted by far-right political actors are received, potentially contributing toward greater mainstream engagement with ‘far-right’ – supremacist and exclusivist – political ideals. It also attends to the nexus of YouTube’s commercial imperatives and the platform’s facility for disseminating far-right content.

Co-authored with Imogen Richards (Deakin University), Briar Dickey (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Sam Smith

NOTE: This talk will also be part of the Focus Europe Events in the Bachelor en Cultures Européennes at the FHSE and begin with a thematic introduction by Catherine Tebaldi & Alistair Plum.


  • Greta Jasser, University of Göttingen | Website


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