How to resist in the datafied society?

3 September 2024 · Christoph Purschke · 1 minute read · #conversations

CuCo Lab Conversations | Elinor Carmi (City, University of London)


This talk will discuss how citizens can resist, negotiate and mobilize against Big-Tech companies in a datafied society. In this project, we asked digital rights practitioners what was their experience in working with people to change the power asymmetries with Big-Tech companies. Asking digital rights practitioners what can people do to negotiate, object and oppose Big-Tech companies, four themes emerged: 1. contextual awareness; 2. real or imagined concerns; 3. who is responsible for creating and solving problems; and 4. resistance possibilities. Following from these findings we identified five possible routes that can enhance citizens’ data citizenship.


  • Dr. Elinor Carmi, City, University of London | Website


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