CuCo Lab Conversations | Upcoming events

5 January 2024 · Christoph Purschke · 1 minute read · #conversations

Program for the first semester 2024

Here is the list of upcoming talks in our Friday talk series CuCo Lab Conversations.

  • 19.01. | Gabriel Menotti: Computational cinemas: two tentative paradigms and some incidents | Info
  • 01.03. | Nathalie Roelens: Barbie, Béatrice et le robot conversationnel GPT | Info
  • 22.03. | Elisabeth Barakos: Elite Multilingualism: an exploration of linguistic privilege and distinction | Info
  • 19.04. | Mi-Cha Flubacher: Language and social inequality: A framework for sociolinguistic research | Info
  • 03.05. | Greta Jasser: Let’s play extremism. Mainstreaming of far-right political ideas through ’let’s play’ gaming videos | Info